About jolenebalyeat

I am a wife and mother who is constantly designing and creating prototypes of things that inspire. Whether it is through graphic, interior, or product design, I love to innovate. I am drawn to things that are beautiful because I believe they point to the Ultimate Designer, my heavenly Father and the source of all creativity.

Mirrored Moss

IronMirrorAt one time this piece was most likely a mirror. But with the glass missing, it was begging to once again frame beauty. It could have easily showcased a vintage portrait or a new piece of glass, yet it somehow called for something more.

Textural qualities, and wonderful color variances made moss a perfect choice. I find myself drawn to it in nature and awestruck when I consider all the life to which it is home. It presented the long-awaited solution to the mirror’s dilemma. Now it encourages one to change their focus and reflect upon the beauty and mystery found in life.

Inspirational Scripture:
“For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.”
1 Corinthians 13:12

The Nature of Love


TheNatureofLoveThe Nature of Love
Think I perhaps too much of myself,
A glass full of love and not much more?
Is love even love kept unto itself
Or be it true only poured on the floor?
Surrendered would I be void of love’s wealth
Or giving life’s drink end thirst evermore?
© 2005 Jolene R. BalyeatThis image was created many years ago in response to a picture that came to mind when I was struggling with the concept of giving love, receiving love, surrendering to love, and whether it was possible to run out of love, be destroyed by it, or loose yourself in the midst of it. The art is very abstract, and doesn’t come close to capturing the image that flashed through my mind to illustrate the truth I believe God shared with me. Honestly, this piece doesn’t reflect my “style” or preferences in any way, but the point behind it valuable enough to risk criticism on its amateurish composition.

Because, I knew that love was an overwhelming force, I was worried that if I opened myself up to it I would be undone, emptied, and destroyed in the process. I was concerned that my feelings would be too great to control, and that I would shatter, and all that I was would spill out leaving nothing left.

In a momentary flash of revelation, I saw myself as a glass full of water, with the ground under me a parched dessert, thirsting for a drink that could restore life. I saw many other glasses, equally selfish, refusing to surrender life giving drink to a desperate world. Then I saw myself surrendering and an eternal supply of water from heaven, pouring on, in, over, around, and under me. Life sprung up wherever the water fell. A flower, representing fruit, joy, life, and beauty bloomed. I was not lost, or destroyed in the process at all…just surrendered and surrounded in God’s supply. Now it seems foolish to have been so afraid. But I was. I suppose I share this because in the picture there were other glasses too, not just mine. Some of these glasses are symbolic of people in churches, some may be people reading this blog. I don’t know. I do know this, the lesson I learned was: take the risk. It is worth it; and once one surrenders to love, one is not only open to give, but also to receive.

“But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.” John 4:14

For further reflection see: Revelation 22:1-2 & Psalm 145:16

Magnetic Words

Anagram Magnets

It may only be February, but it isn’t too early to start counting down the days till June. The Farm Chicks Antiques Show takes place, in June, at the fairgrounds in Spokane, WA. In addition to soaking in the collective creativity of so many artists in the same venue, I have started a tradition of buying a few letters to make something with each year. These letters came out of a vintage Eye Rest Anagrams Game. I glued them together and then to magnets to create words that could be rearranged into simple sentences. Digging through the bowl of letters to spell out a few words was fun, but nothing compares with how my son giggles when making silly sentences from them as he learns to read.


Hopefully, in the midst of the fun, I can also teach him that the words we say stick to people, much like these magnets will stick to his chalkboard, for “Gentle words are a tree of life; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.” Proverbs 15:4

Inspirational Scripture relating to our words: Proverbs 10:11 & Psalm 19:14
Inspirational Scripture relating to God’s words: 1 John 1 & Deuteronomy 11:18 & John 6:63

Labor of Love


Every once in a while there is a project that presents itself that is a bit over the top, and I hesitate to start it because I sense it will take on a life of its own and consume more time than it should. This pirate costume was just such a project.

It started when I met a very theatrical little boy who lives across the street. He has a gift in drama, and can do the best impersonation of Captain Jack Sparrow that I have ever seen. Almost every time I see him he is in a different costume, playing a different role. Pretty impressive for a six year old! So when his pirate-themed birthday invitation came, I knew he had to have the proper attire at his disposal. Fortunately, I found a Simplicity 3644 pattern on eBay that fit the bill perfectly. After much research about the actual costume worn in the movie, some additions to ensemble, and somewhere between 50 and 60 hours and 30 buttons later, here is a portrait of the Jack Sparrow costume’s inspiration and finished reproduction.


Inspirational Scriptures that reference God blessing through items made of cloth:
Acts 9:36-43 & Acts 19:12

Salt and Pepper


A while ago, a friend suggested that we explore the Mad Hatter Vintage Flea Market. Anticipating the shear bliss of sneaking away for an hour or three to peruse things just begging to be turned into a treasure, I said, “Yes, of course!”

While there, these vintage 35 mm film canisters literally thrust themselves upon me. So that is a bit overstated, but since I collect containers like some women collect shoes, I couldn’t resist bringing them home as souvenirs. When the vendor asked what I was going to do with them, a picture of salt and pepper shakers flashed through my mind.

Drilling holes in the lids was a snap, but applying the letters was a bit more tricky. The letters “S” and “P” were printed in reverse on a product called Rub-onz ™ by Grafix® and came from the font designed for the custom stationary available at JBalyeat.com. Now to dream up an opportunity to use them…

Note: Please pardon the puns in this post, and the alliteration in this annotation! It is late and my mind must be shot. Ah, again!

Inspirational Scripture:
“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.”
Matthew 5:13