October is a big birthday month for us, and Christmas is just around the corner. This means that gift season is upon us, and because sometimes it can become a challenge to purchase things for each special person, I have put together the tutorial below for anyone who would like to make a gift instead. It is my first attempt at a tutorial so if anyone gives it a try, please share your feedback with me! This tutorial is designed to go with my Coffee Cup Cozy cut and sew fabric that is available from Spoonflower.com. I created the Deconstructed Moss Decor color palette for this design using the Adobe Kuler App. (The photo in the background is indeed the centerpiece mentioned in the color scheme description.)

To complete this project you will need:
- the fabric mentioned above
- eyelets (8 per cozy)
- ribbon (34″ per cozy)
- fusible interfacing
- coordinating thread
1. Iron on fusible interfacing for a lining. Dont forget to use a pressing cloth, and follow the directions that come with the specific interfacing you chose.

2. Cut out along dashed lines.

3. Sew the right sides of the fabric together with a 1/4″ seam allowance leaving an opening to turn.

4. Clip the corners at a diagonal to take extra bulk away, and then turn the right sides out.

I used a pair of scissors to make sure I got the points looking crisp, but using a pencil might be a better idea so one doesn’t accidentally make a hole in the fabric.
5. Turn opening under, iron it & then topstitch it closed. I love topstitching as it can give a polished and professional look to your project.

6. Insert eyelets. Lay four eyelets out along the finished edge and marked the placement of each one. (My fine point sharpie worked perfectly).

Eyelets from Hobby Lobby, Eyelets from Paperwishes, Oriental Trading Company discontinued the ones I used. The Eyelet Outlet has a mix of browns that might work or they also have black. Grommets could be an even better option. I just used what I had on hand.
Then punch holes and install the four eyelets. (I used my silent setter scrapbooking hole puncher for this step).

Next fold the coffee cozy in half and mark the other side for eyelet placement. Punch four holes and install four more eyelets.

7. Lace 34″ of ribbon through the eyelets

8. Brew or buy some coffee or tea

9. Snuggle it up & enjoy! This makes a perfect gift with a coffee card hiding inside!

Inspirational Scripture:
“You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings.” Psalm 23:5